well, Matt and i just got back from a week in California! it wasn't so sunny, kinda rainy actually, but was still fun. Matt was part of his friend Rob's wedding to Amy. they live close to my grandparents so it was great to get to see them and all our family for the weekend!

here we go for our drive up North.
we didn't plan much for it though. we wanted to see the Sequoia trees (the ones you can drive through) but had NO IDEA it was SNOWING there. we even got stuck on the highway for 1/2 an hour cause the 'grapevine' (a snowy high area, i guess) was closed. we call as we're headed that way to discover you need chains on your wheels to get into the park. OK, scratch that...
then there were torrential rains the night before we left, causing mud slides so our second plan also was scratched to drive up HWY 1...bridges were closed, etc. but it ended up being ok, cause we were able to get to SF by midday and saw the Golden Gate Bridge that afternoon, freeing us up more for our second day there.
on our drive up, we went from this...
so close! there was this great lookout point, matt and his friend discovered a decade ago, which is now a specific tourist look out point.

the next day. rainy day and alcatraz! this was the morning our Agnes passed on...i didn't find out till that night...but looking back, all i can think was that she'd been gone this whole time.

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