my sweet high school friend, Julia, and her precious mother, threw me the nicest baby shower saturday morning! i loved it so much! it was great seeing my mom's friends as well as mine and we received wonderful gifts!

i love it. the Groos' have one of my pieces hanging above their mantel! and the little beast box is mine too!
check out the CUTE display of baby clothes! the best was the little GUAYABERA shirt! so San Antonio! Baby H is going to look so cute in it!!!

Julia and her mom with me, kelly and Ellie.
what a collection!
next, are some photos at home from the weekend...
Mother's Day Breakfast! dad made his famous pancakes with fresh fruit and eggs and bacon! yum!
My matty was very sweet and got me my very first Mother's Day card! i loved it and love thinking about being a MOTHER!
all the boys were very sweet in treating the girls this mother's day!
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