glad i scheduled the sonogram when i did, so as not to have unnecessary worry.
anyways here are the pics we got to take home yesterday!
we still do not have a name for this little guy, btw... and i also can't believe i only have 5 weeks left!!! time is flying by. parker being sick has only made it that much faster cause i've had to attend to her so much of the time.
i still need to get several things done, to where i can feel "ready" if the baby decides to come early for some reason! i can't wait!
face...she said baby's not really in that great a position for pictures, but he is in a great position for birthing. i said, " man, i'm not worried about getting a great pic at this point. i'm just glad he's in a good birthing position!"
but this is his face. at the top of the screen, his eye is the dark spot and his cheek is just to the left and i believe his nose is the start of that white things right below his eye.
looking up at his nose and lips. the nose is in the middle of that black blob of space. you can make out his nostrils and his lips are below the nose. they are pointing at about 2 o'clock.

the bone going up to the heel is right in line with the "oo" on the word foot. and then the foot is pointing right toward about 4 o'clock.

BOY PARTS! our little man!
I can't wait to see him and find out his name! So excited for yall! Will be praying for labor to go well!