just reflecting on how i've been encouraged by Jesus' name being brought up!
first just Easter. i think it's encouraged me and matt to step out of our comfort zones a little. we've each invited couples to church (they couldn't come but maybe at later dates)
we've tried to engage others out in the community and tell them about church (it's a start!)
we've intentionally focused on the intensity of Christ's physical suffering on the cross, me particularly more this year than in years past. i am not sure if it's due to the fact that currently i am intensely focusing my mind on the subject of pain, b/c i'm preparing for natural childbirth?
i'm not sure but the not-even-graphic graphics, at church on Easter just stood out to me, the way Jesus HUNG there... His hands were nailed but nothing else kept his body up, so his head and shoulders slumped and to breath, matt reminded me of how He'd have to lift himself up b/c his lungs were collapsing. oh my gosh, I just marvel at the strength He found in His Father and am reminded of how i can do ALL THINGS through that same strength! Phillippians 4:13

the next thing that stuck out to me was when watching Survivor this season, matt and i are so encouraged by this one contestant Matt. He's proclaimed his faith in the Lord since day one and we thought that was cool. Matt's had to play the game harder than anyone else so far getting voted off the very first, but having to stay in the game, due to a new twist called Redemption Island. there he spent 3 weeks by himself and competed in duels, to stay in the game successfully, over 7 times. not easy. but the whole time, he'd verbalize how he was relying on the Lord, his Savior for strength and how God was carrying him! amazing. then it got tough. mentally he was fading and called out to God, crying for answers of why he was still in the game. last wed it almost seemed like he was giving up when he came to the duel. he said he'd prayed and felt and overwhelming peace about if he was to stay and keep competing or to go... he won the duel and said he guessed God wanted him to stay, that God wasn't done with him there yet. Julie pictured here...

was kicked off and said as she left that she was so encouraged by matt that she was going to go home and find a church to get involved with. earlier she'd commented that she believed in Karma!!! wow! that's awesome! matt might not know that cause he was never in the game with his, since he was on redemption, but he wondered why God still had him there. well, if for nothing else, for Julie. to minister to her. and this is NATIONAL tv. so you know the Holy Spirit is using him to get a message across to so many people! i think that is just AWESOME and all it took was a FAITHFUL SERVENT LIKE MATT to verbalize what he believes!!!!!!!!
then jeff the host, even commented on how God wasn't done with him here yet...and then asked him how long jesus fasted and matt said 40 days and jeff said funny that our game is 39 days long... i believe jeff used to be a minister of some kind.
ok so the next thing i loved was how the Gospel was so truthfully portrayed in the sermon of the Royal Wedding!!! and HOW many people watched that???? so many! awesome!
things i loved were that the bishop commented about the reliance we are to place on Christ and how as we unite as one in marriage, we are to aim to make the other a better person for Christ.
He also started by saying that every wedding is a royal wedding b/c we are all subjects of the King of Creation. amazing! so cool!
i hope this is encouraging. i am encouraged to continue to place my faith in the Holy Spirit to guide me to engage with people more. it is my sole responsibility while i am here on earth...and to be PROUD TO DO IT!