today we went to Pearl Harbor. it was very interesting and we learned a lot. there were even a couple of Pearl Harbor Survivors there to take questions! amazing to be right there where all that devastation took place

Matt said this missile could shoot like 3,000 miles? that's crazy!

being silly

oh this was crazy. apparently i am a little afraid of big birds. we were back on Waikiki for dinner that night and saw this lady taking pictures with 2 white parrots and a colored one and i said, ' hey i want to do that! ' so we asked how much and she said $10, we only had $3, so we told her and she said that was fine and just put these birds on my arms, 2 of them, one on each arm...i FREAKED out, instantly and wanted them off. i think i might have had them on my for about 30 secs, then Matt saved me and we got this cute shot of him. i won't even put the shot of me on here cause i had the most terrified look on my face the whole time. i am not sure if i thought they were going to bite my eyes out or what, but i did not like it one bit. dang i am weird. but again, another thing to check off my list of things to do once!

we had a very nice steak dinner at BLT Steaks in Trump International Hotel! these were the delicious pop overs that came beforehand! they were so good!!!!
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