Lots of pictures for this day, mainly because we went WHALE WATCHING! it was a lot of fun, though i was a little nervous when we first noticed the boat was just a catamaran! once we got out there it was fine though. i think we got about 2 miles out. we spotted lots of whale fins, side flippers and backs coming out of the water, but never the full breach close up! we saw some breaching, but really far away. then we got a special treat - a pod of spinner dolphins swan with us for about 20 minutes! it was awesome! they were literally 4 feet from us. i could have possibly touched them if i'd reached my hand out. at this point, i was laying down on the net to be real close to them, not scared, like i was at first, at all! we were out at sea for about 2 hours or a little more and with about 45 mins left i think we were all about ready to head back! those swells can get to you! but we also got about 30 yards from the whales coming out with their backs. it was amazing to just think that you were that close to some humpbacks, 45 feet long. we were defiantly in their territory! amazing! but i do wish we'd seen one breach up close. at least the dolphins put on quite a show for us!

this was something on my list, but ended up being a let down, at least it was only $5. it just tasted like nothing. matt drank most of it and then the lady cut out the coconut fruit to take with you and that tasted like nothing either :( oh well, at least i can check that off now...

we left our mark!
I like the conch shell tip jar. And the shot of the volkswagon by the palm trees. It just captured the Hawaiian feel.