our room at La Tosca

Antonio, serving our breakfast in the morning!


Roberto, our angel in disguise. the night before we needed help getting to the hotel, and he just walked up to the stand matt was asking for help at, and volunteered to take us. he is the night guard there and was going to work right then. he was so cute. still there when we got up for breakfast in the am.

me at pretty Augusto Gardins...

Via Krupp

Marina Piccolo

what can i say?

getting ready for the Blue Grotto

what it's like going in...

inside Blue Grotto! so fun going in...glad we did it...

Green Grotto

Natural Arch...we went through on our boat!

mini local busses...they drive like maniacs... i guess they've got it down. roads are very narrow. can't believe all the times i thought we were going to scratch up against another automobile! but we never did.

Matty on the chair lift up to pretty Mt. Solerno.

view down. crystal clear!

gigantic "lemons" really they are a different kind of citrus fruit. i wanted to bring one home to my lemon lover, Uncle Bruce, but don't think i could get them past customs.

our hotel Forum...

where we chilled tonight...!
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