so we did a little shopping. very UN hawthorne-like. we tend to NOT spend money on things, but thought, hey if there's something that we've been eyeing for the past couple days, we should go ahead and buy it, i mean when are we going to be back in Greece.
so matt got some Traditional Greek Woolen Slippers with huge pom poms on the top. he loves them. i just hope he will wear them once we get home. i bought a tiny pair for our child in the future. they are the cream ones in the picture below.
i got a green parthenon t-shirt and then we decided it'd be fun to collect postcards from each place we've been, so we collected those too!
the Easy Jet flights have been so nice, new airline, so everything is new looking. no free food or drinks on the flight, but that's okay...
Now we are in Milan, and we'll be seeing the Duomo in the morning, before heading to Cinque Terra.

hard decision...


typical tourist site

these chairs are like the ones we had in our house growing up? do we still have these anywhere mom?

matt liked the mohawk!

road warrior


my attempt at posing with graffiti, perfect with a matty shirt on, too!

good matty shot!

these are those traditional woolen greek slippers. matty found himself a grey pair...he's got them on in the hotel right now!

i bought the cream ones for our child to wear one day! i love them, they are SO tiny!

this kitty meowed the whole time we walked away from her down the street. so cute.

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