what a fun Memorial Day weekend! matt found the Memorial Day concert in the park at Flag Pole Hill...it was a blast! there were a ton of people there, kids playing, beautiful Symphony playing appropriate war-era music and then a great firework show to top off the evening. kind of scary how much the blasting fireworks resembled what the bombs and shooting and war might have been like against the night's backdrop! it really makes you think about what's all going on out there.
on a lighter note, I enjoyed all the time i got to spend with my husband matt!
we really caught up on movies and had some good meals out together! it was great!
we saw:
Benjamin Button (which we'd already seen, but good the second time around anyway),
The DaVinci Code (which we'd yet to see, but are glad we did and look forward to Angels and Demons),
Grizzly Man (which was crazy, but nice to see the bears and fox in their environments), and
The Motorcycle Diaries
we also tried the new Grimaldi's in West Village and it was good! We went b/c our friend Blakely took us to the original Grimaldi's in Brooklyn when we stayed with them almost 3 years ago, so we had to check this one out. I just remember them rolling the dough behind the clear, plastic wall at the og location. this one was obviously much newer feeling, not the same feel, but still good...
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