The Bird Hand Book by Victor Schrager is so interesting! i wanted to post info about it b/c, as many of you know, i like birds. i have done a whole series on birds. check it out here...
On a separate note, a week or so ago, matt and i were walking around Mockingbird station, of all places, when we came across a pretty little green finch, lying dead on the walkway. it made me sad, so we stood and looked at him for a minute. by the way, matt has become so much more compassionate since he's learned how sensitive i am toward situations as these. after trying to figure out what might have happened to him, matt knew i wouldn't want to just leave him where he landed, so he picked the tiny body up and placed him gently on a small mound of dirt, up against a tree, in the nearby flower bed. we left him there, and though it was hard, i felt much better than if we'd just left him on the walkway for someone to kick or accidently step on. i believe every living thing deserves respect, and i felt we gave him just that. so in honor of the small green finch, enjoy these beautiful bird studies.

black rosecomb chicken
snowy owl

black and white marblers

tufted titmouse
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