what a great time we had...
matt had a shoot over in London and i was fortunate enough to be his stylist/assistant!
we made the most of every spare moment and stayed an extra couple days to see all we'd missed the last time we were there.
got back yesterday afternoon, just in time for THANKSGIVING DAY today, with my parents who are driving up to spend it here with us in our new home!

the CHANGING OF THE GUARDS! i missed this sadly last year, and was SO glad to see them in those fur bear skin hats! I LOVE THOSE THINGS!!!!!

check out the masses! i had to get propped up by matty to get that first shot and then shove my way in to get a few closer ones...

we went to the Lion King as a Birthday gift to me! loved it! (i made matt be in some of the photos!)

weren't supposed to snap shots, but i got this one. i cried at the beginning when all the animals came out...there was a huge elephant that must have taken like 10 people to control...and the giraffes were my favorite of all...
go World Vision and Volvic water...this was a 1.5 L bottle of water, but for every 1 L purchased, they are providing 10L of water for African countries: Ghana, Malawi, Mali and Zambia! i just discovered this after purchasing it. but was so excited since it is such a passion of mine and to see that it is with WV, who i am affiliated with AND that Ghana, of ALL countries was one listed that they are supporting!
as we walked over the Millennium Bridge, the clouds began to part. it was pretty windy and cold the whole time, but we were lucky it didn't rain!

on a double decker, our last night!
the photo shoot went great, by the way.
no pics of it obviously, we were working...and sadly one other thing we didn't get a picture of was this awesome dessert THE GODFATHER and a cappuccino
that we had after a meal on monday:/
what an AWESOME opportunity! so excited for matt's job & pumped that the two of you got to enjoy the trip! i might even be a bit jealous. ;-) by the way, the tree looks great! isn't it fun to have your first holidays in your new home?!