so i volunteered at the
NTFB last
monday, and will go again this coming
it had just gotten to the point where i needed to add something of value to my day-to-day routine. the group of women were the Trophy Club women's club, and the 3 guys were from Dallas Baptist University, fulfilling school requirements!
after 3 hours that morning, i left feeling very fulfilled and that my time had gone to a good cause. it was not convenient, the traffic at that time of day and on that route was horrendous, but i managed, with the help of my iphone to take a short cut through oakcliff and get there just in time!
i tried to open up a little and talk to the women, several were Christians and had interesting stories of various mission trips. all in all, it was a good experience for me to expand my horizons!
i loved it...i started on the conveyor belt of loading one item per bucket and then for about 30 mins i separated grocery store bags, which we were loading the items into...(but i like bland tasks like that, as long as i'm being productive), then after our break i switched with a woman who was restocking the buckets we were picking from. it was great. i did somehow slash a pack or two of apple juice boxes... :/ so from then on out i just had to open everything by hand.
now to the nitty gritty.
the stats: after 3 hours, the 10 of us volunteers boxed up 99 boxes, with 7 bags per box equalling 693 bags and 2,390 lbs of food, which will provide meals for 1,867 children!
we were helping fulfill a feed the children program. it is a little different. none of the food was donated b/c it had to be equally distributed (every child had to get the same things) and a nutritionist was on site and planned the meals, but they were supposed to provide the 2 meals (breakfast and lunch) that the children would have gotten at school that day...so maybe it's for the weekends or something, i can't exactly remember, but they were providing 10,000 meals!
it was a success!