These awesome colorful photos came from the traditional
"Festival of Colours" celebrated in India.
I remember even seeing this aired in an episode of the Amazing Race, a couple seasons ago. While the contestants were in India, they had to run through these festivities and retrieve some flag, close to impossible while getting smothered with pigments!
Most of these pictures were pulled from my friend, Nick
Ostermann's, church website,
The Rooted Church, in Fort Worth.
There, he explains how the people of India, or other countries, with large Hindu populations: celebrate Holi. It is their way of welcoming spring, as the triumph of good over evil; where they enthusiastically drop their inhibitions, and chase each other in temples and through the streets, playfully splashing colorful paints, pigments, and water on each other. Some images show children in vats of tomato pulp?
Anyways their point, i think, was to show their enthusiasm and commitment to this tradition and then challenges us to be able to celebrate JESUS with this much joy.
check out these images!